NH Department of Agiculture, Markets and Food
NH Department of Agiculture, Markets and Food
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a dinner table in front of an apple orchard
photo of a alpaca
a jumbo pumkin being protected from the sun
maple syrup gathering in the woods
a line of cows walking down a path
inside a flower nursery
tomatoes on the vine ready to pick
crates of apples ready to ship
a show horse pulling a cart
a family dragging their christmas tree home
Mr. pig laying in the wood chips


Official website of the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food

The mission of the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food is to support and promote agriculture and serve consumers and business for the benefit of the public health, environment and economy.

New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets Have Moved

The offices of the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food are moving to 1 Granite Place South, Suite 211, Concord, NH 03301.

Hours of operation will remain 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

Visitors should park in the rear of the South Building and enter via the 2nd floor entrance.


Status of NHDAMF as Accredited Certifying Agent for USDA National Organic Program pdf file

NHDAMF Crop Loss Program

The New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food (DAMF) Crop Loss Program will provide up to $8 Million in relief in response to weather-related damages of 2023. The program, developed in collaboration with staff from UNH Cooperative Extension, is designed to help New Hampshire Farmers who suffered significant crop losses as a result of extreme weather conditions which negatively impacted farms during 2023. For full program details please read the Eligibility and Program Instructions document below.


Farmer Mental Health Support Program

Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Grant Program


Increased Cases of Listeriosis this Summer

The New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory has identified an uptick in cases of listeriosis this summer compared to recent years. Many of these have been sheep or goats showing neurologic signs. The most likely route of exposure is feed contaminated with the infectious organism. Hay or other feed that has spoiled after getting wet is a common source of infection. The bacterium that causes listeriosis, Listeria monocytogenes, can be infectious to people, as well. If you suspect listeriosis in your animals, contact a veterinarian. For more detailed information about listeriosis, please see https://www.cfsph.iastate.edu/FastFacts/pdfs/listeriosis_F.PDF and https://www.cfsph.iastate.edu/Factsheets/pdfs/listeriosis.pdf. If you have questions about listeriosis in humans, contact your healthcare provider.

Growing Small Fruits and Berries
May 16

6:00 - 7:30pm Small-scale production of berries can be a rewarding investment, but not without its own management challenges! In this workshop, we'll focus on blueberries, brambles (blackberries and raspberries,) and strawberry production for the backyard gardener. NH Audubon's Massabesic Center, 26 Audubon Way, Auburn. For more info. and to register go to: https://bit.ly/3WjYJrx.

Hands-on Pruning Training for Tree Care and Landscape Professionals
June 17
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Cost: $50 Rain Date: June 18 This event is hosted by UNH Extension and the New Hampshire Arborists Association. Contact Amy.Papineau@unh.edu with any questions.

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Portable Document Format SymbolPortable Document Format (.pdf). Visit nh.gov for a list of free .pdf readers for a variety of operating systems.

NH Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food
Mailing: PO Box 2042, Concord NH 03302 -2042
Physical: 1 Granite Place South, Suite 211, Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-3551 | fax: (603) 271-1109